About Me
- Name: Holly Jolly
- Location: Chicago, IL, United States
I wear many hats. My most recent hat is "mommy cute hat" deemed by my almost two year old daughter. I am a wife, mother, daughter, friend, optometrist and many things to many different people. The purpose of my blog is to use it as a creative and fun outlet to connect to those I care about and love. I am always up for an adventure and looking forward to what life has to offer.
Previous Posts
- The new Charlie's Angels (Crystal and Aunt Susie)
- Uhhhh....HELLO! :)
- Memories of days in Mom and Dad Terry's front yard...
- A view from Mom Terry's window of the front yard
- Aunt Susie, Crystal, and Mom Strickler May 13, 2005
- Can we all say CHEESE!!!!!!!
- Aunt Susie, Crystal, and Mom cracking up as they g...
- Carl with his Mom and Aunt Susie
- Now they are eating the ice cream sandwich (this i...
- Bonnie, Carl, and Susie perfecting the art of eati...
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