About Me
- Name: Holly Jolly
- Location: Chicago, IL, United States
I wear many hats. My most recent hat is "mommy cute hat" deemed by my almost two year old daughter. I am a wife, mother, daughter, friend, optometrist and many things to many different people. The purpose of my blog is to use it as a creative and fun outlet to connect to those I care about and love. I am always up for an adventure and looking forward to what life has to offer.
Previous Posts
- A Connie's pizza truck hanging up in the air
- An outside view of one of our favorite only-in-Chi...
- Carl, Crystal, and Mom Strickler having fun at Con...
- A Beautiful view of the clouds in downtown Chicago
- Carl and his mom posing in front of an amazing scu...
- Carl outside of his new job...The Citadel Group
- Mom and Crystal outside of Marshall Fields
- This guy is dancing on his head :P
- This guy really put on some cool moves
- Here are the Stick and Move Street Performers we s...